Amber Portwood Flips OUT at 90 Day Fiance Comparison: I'm Not as Bad an Abuser as Geoffrey Paschel! I Was Abused Too!
As soon as fans started asking if Dimitri Garcia was moving to the US for Amber Portwood, they had to know that comparisons were coming.
Sure enough, a Teen Mom blog made some joking comparisons between Teen Mom couples and 90 Day Fiance pairs.
That may sound harmless ... but when Amber saw it, she lost her entire mind.
She posted rant after rant.
One of the issues may have been that she was compared to Geoffrey Paschel, the accused rapist and wifebeater.
But Amber's comments, now-deleted but thankfully captured by the good folks at The Ashley, show that this wasn't her only issue.
The most serious part of Amber's series of rants is when she describes abuse that she herself has suffered.
Take a look for yourself:
1. Here is the post that launched it all

2. Briefly ...

3. Meanwhile

4. Amber flipped out at the comparison

5. Dimitri didn't get it either

6. Amber apologized to Dimitri

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