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    Loren Brovarnik: 90 Day Fiance Fan Favorite DESTROYS Baby-Shaming Troll Who Insulted Her Son!

    About one month ago, Loren and Alexei Brovarnik welcomed their baby boy. They named him Shai Josef Brovarnik.

    When a vicious troll tried to shame her baby, Loren clapped back hard in defense of her only child.

    Loren Brovarnik Kisses Baby Shai Josef Brovarnik

    Shai Joseph Brovarnik was born on April 14 of this year, but some absolute beast has already found a reason to dislike him.

    "Ugly baby that will have Tourette's because the parents are selfish a--holes that should have adopted," the wretched creature wrote.

    Tourette's is not some sort of magical punishment, Shai is not ugly, and it's hard to imagine how they are being selfish.

    Loren saw this vile troll's comment and unleashed a powerful clapback.

    Loren Brovarnik destroys baby-shaming troll IG

    "It's one thing to try and bring me down," Loren admonished the troll in her Instagram Stories.

    "But bring my son into this?" she asked. "You're messing with the wrong mama bear."

    "Troll or not," Loren demanded, " get a f--king life!"

    "And," she added, "get some water, because you're thirsty as hell!"

    Alexei Brovarnik, Loren Brovarnik, and Shai Josef Brovarnik

    Clearly, the twisted little troll who wrote that to her was thirsty for attention, even if was negative. And they got it.

    "YOU are the a--hole here!" Loren correctly informed the antagonist.

    The Instagram Story post earned her well-deserved praise along with sympathy for having seen such a nasty comment in the first place.

    Some people are rotten to their cores, and will say evil things about a baby because they so badly want to feel powerful by hurting someone's feelings.

    Loren Brovarnik, Alexei Brovarnik, and Newborn Shai Josef

    This past Sunday was Loren's very first Mother's Day as a mom.

    "Shai baby, on my first Mother’s Day, I look at you and just think ‘thank you for making me your mommy!" she wrote.

    "You really are a gift!" she praised her precious baby boy.

    "Because of you," Loren reflected, "I am more patient and understanding."

    Shai Joseph Brovarnik

    "You’ve completely made my heart that much fuller, warmer, and whole," Loren raved at her son.

    She also credited her own mother, Marlene, for providing helpful guidance as Loren adjusts to motherhood.

    Loren really is a sweet, compassionate person -- so much so that even her above clapback could have been much harsher.

    It's no surprise that she and Alexei have been 90 Day Fiance fan favorites for years.

    Loren Borvarnik and Alexei Brovarnik and Baby Brovarnik

    Shai turns one month old on Thursday, May 14.

    Loren herself can hardly believe it.

    On Instagram, she reflected on how her pregnancy seemed to stretch on forever.

    In contrast, Loren observes, Shai's first weeks of life are seeming to fly by.

    Loren Brovarnik and Alexei Brovarnik, Very Pregnant

    Surreal real-world events (March seemed to last a decade, April was just a weekend) and exhaustion will do that to you.

    We are all tremendously excited to watch Shai grow and develop.

    In just a few months, he could be saying his first words -- depending upon when he hits developmental milestones.

    He will also be crawling and even standing -- likely before the year is over.

    Alexei Brovarnik is a US Citizen

    Shai's birth was actually not the only happy news that the Brovarniks and their fans celebrated this year.

    Earlier this year, Alexei was awarded US citizenship.

    That happened faster for him than it does for countless others who apply, and it still took years.

    We once again offer our congratulations to this beloved couple and we wish them continued health and success.

    Loren Brovarnik and a Sleeping Alexei Brovarnik

    While we're on the topic of Loren issuing clapback, we have to recall an accidental surprise feud that erupted last year.

    When Ashley shared Loren's pregnancy news (so many 90 Day Fiance stars share news about each other), Loren misunderstood the post.

    The two ladies got into a brief feud after Loren believed that Ashley was somehow using Loren's announcement photo to share her own news.

    Fortunately, that is in the past, and Loren is reserving her takedowns for people who actually wronged her.

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