Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: Bish, At Least I Still Have Custody of My Kids!
Folks, this situation is getting ugly.
Granted, the Jenelle Evans-Kailyn Lowry feud has always been ugly, but these days, the moms have gone nuclear in their attacks on one another.

It all started with a tweet from Kail in which she not-so-subtly shaded Jenelle's recent bikini pics.
"I don’t know who needs to hear this, but David better never come for my body ever again,” Lowry wrote on Twitter.
The tweet referenced both Jenelle's photos and David Eason's habit of body-shaming Kail.
Of course, it had the unintended effect of kicking off a new round of bullying.

Apparently, David and Jenelle both lost their minds when they saw Kail's comment, as both unleashed torrents of abuse against the Teen Mom 2 star.
"IDK who needs to hear this but you're a giant compared to me. Let's stand side by side," Jenelle tweeted.
"Let’s stand side-by-side. Don’t let me start talking about you," Evans went on.
“Ummm … I feel sorry for anyone that ever ‘came for your body.’ Trust me, I wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole," he wrote on Instagram.
"Oh, you can call my wife fat and tell me not to say anything about you in the same sentence? Right," he later added.
It's worth noting that Kail never actually called Jenelle fat.
Although, to be fair, she did rather strongly imply as much.
In all likelihood, Kail knew she'd re-igniting her longstanding feud with Jenelle by posting that tweet.

Similarly, she probably knew that posting the pic above on Instagram would result in further escalation:
“&&&&& custody of all my kids,” Kail captioned a photo collage that showed her enjoying the company of all three of her children.
(Lowry is pregnant with her fourth child these days, and she's expected to give birth sometime this summer.)
While Kail maintained a level of plausible deniability, the post was very clearly directed at Jenelle.
As you'll likely recall, Evans lost custody of all three of her children (and the stepdaughter who was living with her at the time) following a CPS investigation last year.
The investigation was prompted by the infamous incident in which David killed Jenelle's dog during one of his fits of rage.
Investigators determined that David and Jenelle's children were living in unsafe, squalid conditions, and the kids had them placed with relatives.
Following a lengthy legal battle, Jenelle and David were able to regain custody of most of their children.
Jenelle's eldest son Jace still lives with her mother Barbara, while David has a son named Kaden whom he's not even allowed to visit.
Needless to say, the matter of child custody is likely something of a sore spot for Jenelle.
And as a result, Evans is likely severely pissed off by Kail's latest jab.
Jenelle hasn't responded yet, but you can be sure she's planning on taking a scorched earth approach this time around.
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