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    Jenelle Evans Gets Fired From Parenting App Gig Following Backlash: Will She Ever Work Again?!

    For most of her adult life, Jenelle Evans has enjoyed the sort of financial security that most single moms can only dream of.

    Despite never putting in full-time hours in an office, or any other workplace that might take her away from her children, Jenelle has been pulling in six figures for the past several years.

    (Of course, she also lost custody of all three of her kids despite having all that time on her hands, but that's a conversation for another time.)

    Needless to say, those days are done.

    Jenelle has been fired from Teen Mom 2, and it's becoming painfully clear that she'll never work in media again.

    In fact, it's beginning to look like no employer in their right mind will touch her with a ten-foot pole.

    Take a look at Jenelle's latest adventures in unemployment:

    1. Briefly Employed!

    Jenelle evans on her birthday
    Jenelle Evans has lost yet another cushy gig. And once again, her critics -- Hatters, as they're known on Twitter -- stepped in to alert her employers that they inadvertently hired a truly terrible person.

    2. Oh, the Irony!

    Jenelle evans happy with kids
    Believe it or not, Jenelle was hired by Peanut, a new app that offers parenting tips and social networking for moms.

    3. A Familiar Name

    Kailyn lowry has 3 kids
    Teen Mom 2 fans might remember Peanut as the app that sponsored Kailyn Lowry's pregnancy announcement.

    4. Big Yikes

    Kail lowry fashion
    That wasn't a terribly popular move, either for Kail, or for the app. But it didn't incite nearly as much outrage as Peanut's decision to partner with Jenelle freakin' Evans, of all people.

    5. The Desperation Is Real

    Jp 1
    In a post that's since been deleted from her Instagram page, Jenelle sang Peanut's praises in the caption for a throwback photo of herself with her youngest child, daughter Ensley.

    6. Who Wrote This For Her?

    Jenelle with david and ensley
    "Becoming a mother was really overwhelming for me," Jenelle wrote, which prompted many followers to point out that she had already been a mother for nearly a decade when Ensley was born.
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