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    Teresa Giudice: If Joe Shacks Up With Some Broad, He Has My Blessing!

    We've all heard about Joe Giudice partying it up with mystery women. He and Teresa are officially separated, so it's to be expected.

    Teresa says that Joe has her blessing to date.

    Joe & Teresa Giudice Image

    On Wednesday, February 5, Teresa Giudice was a guest on the podcast, Pop of the Morning.

    There, she spoke of how she and her four daughters -- Gia, Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana -- are faring.

    "We're doing good," she characterizes her family's emotional health.

    Teresa explained that she and Joe had vowed to "support each other, no matter what," in spite of their separation.

    Teresa Giudice and Joe on Bravo

    Teresa even delves into the extent to which she is willing to go to put on a harmonious front for their girls.

    She reveals: "I even told Joe, 'You know, when you find your significant other, I'll even come and hang out with you to make it good for my girls.'"

    "Obviously, if I'm fine with it, they'll be fine with it," Teresa suggests.

    This is a nice thought, but we're not sure that things are as simple as Teresa hopes.

    Teresa Touches Joe

    Accepting that your parents have separated is not the same as accepting that one has a new partner.

    And when a child resents their parent's new relationship, it's not always in defense of the parent's ex.

    Sometimes, kids develop their own feelings and resentments on this subject -- even in cases when they can't stand the other parent.

    But Teresa's idea isn't a bad one. Modeling the desired behavior certainly can't hurt, and that's a very mature offer on her part.

    Pair of Giudices

    For their four daughters, coping with Joe's prison was tough. 

    Grappling with the reality of Joe's deportation is a true nightmare.

    Teresa and Joe have both gone over this topic, and so has Teresa's family.

    Adults have life mechanisms and coping strategies that children and teens have not yet had the chance to form.

    Teresa Giudice and Hubby

    Joe is an adult. While deportation is a horror, he was deported to Italy.

    Which means that unlike half of those deported by the US to some Central American nations in the past few years, Joe will survive.

    Teresa is also an adult. She's a wealthy public figure. Her husband may be overseas, but the rest of her life is intact.

    She will survive. Their daughters need all of the emotional support that they can receive.

    Teresa and Joe Giudice on Instagram

    Thankfully, technology and social media have changed so much in the past decade alone.

    This means that Joe can contact his girls through social media -- easier and less emotionally taxing than sticking to one-on-one updates.

    They can also video chat at pretty much any time, depending upon the girls' class schedules and of course the time difference.

    If this were happening in 1990, Joe would be making long-distance calls on a corded telephone. Like something out of The Flintstones.

    Teresa and Joe Giudice Reunite

    It's natural that Joe and Teresa will likely both (openly) date again, perhaps even seriously.

    It's okay and to be expected if their daughters are kind of weirded out by it. That is a normal and very human reaction.

    We're glad that Teresa and Joe are already thinking and talking about this and about minimizing its impact upon their daughters.

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