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    Merissa Pence: Who is Peter Weber's Date-Crashing Ex? (And Why Does She Hate Victoria?)

    Well, it finally happened:

    The 2020 equivalent of the Colton Underwood fence-jump moment that Bachelor producers have been teasing from the very beginning.

    Victoria Fuller with Peter Weber

    Okay, so we still haven't seen Peter's mother's "bring her home to us!" moment, but we did get the other most buzzed-about moment of the season, as teased repeatedly by The Bachelor spoilers.

    If you've been following said Bachelor spoilers, then you knew the Victoria Fuller situation was finally coming to a head.

    Yes, Fuller has been one of the more emotional women in the house from day one, but it wasn't until Peter visited her hometown of Virginia Beach that Victoria earned a place among the most bonkers contestants in the show's history.

    On the Beach with The Bachelor

    Things started off innocently enough, with Peter and Victoria being serenaded by yet another country singer (you'd think producers would've learned their lesson when it comes to surprise musical performances, but whatever).

    But as they were leaving the boardwalk and preparing for a night with the Fuller family, the stuff hit the fan in a major way.

    Peter was approached by a mystery woman whose face had been digitally blurred, thus heightening the suspense ...

    Merissa Pence

    But while viewers didn't get to see what she looked like, Peter recognized her instantly.

    “Wait, Merissa!” Peter said with his usual depth of insight.

    “I saw you and I’m like, ‘She looks so familiar.’”

    Peter in a Scarf

    "Just be careful. That’s all I’m going to say. I’m from here and I just know what a good guy you are,” the woman, quickly identified online as Merissa Pence, warned.

    “I would hate for any of who you are to be affected by somebody else. … I know that you’re a great guy and I don’t think that you deserve with [who] you are on a date with right now.”

    From there, the woman -- whom Twitter has dubbed "Blurrissa" -- issued an even more dire warning:

    Merissa Pence, Peter Weber

    “I actually used to be friends with her. Things happened, probably a couple months ago and we’re just not friends anymore,” she explained.

    “I don’t think it’s a good relationship for you to be in. I know you’re a great guy. We never had any problems ever. … I would hate to see that come to fruition for you.”

    We're not totally sure why Merissa asked to have her face blurred, as several in-depth interviews with her surfaced literally as the episode was still airing.

    Merissa Pence Photo

    According to Us Weekly she's a 24-year-old former pageant contestant who dated Peter for a few months back in 2012.

    (Peter's 28, so the math on that is a little icky, but that's a conversation for a different time).

    As far as we know, Merissa is not related to Vice President Mike Pence, but she is a hardcore fundamentalist when it comes to seeking revenge.

    Victoria Fuller Instagram Photo

    “Virginia Beach is a pretty small town. As time went on, I became friends with a girl who was best friends with Victoria,” Merissa explains to Us when asked about her past with Victoria.

    “And so we all kind of started hanging out and it just became more of like a forced friendship versus like … I wouldn’t, like, voluntarily go hang out with her.”

    So she says they were friends, but it sounds like Merissa didn't like Victoria from the start:

    Victoria Fuller Picture

    “If there is a guy she wants, she’s like, ‘He’s mine.’ There is a one-way street there and nobody else is getting involved,” she says to Us.

    “[She’s not] this coy person,” Pence adds.

    “Our first encounter was that she told me she was going to slash my tires because I was hanging out with one of her ex-boyfriends,” she continues. 

    Fuller of It

    “She just became a very self-centered person and we were all out for our friend’s birthday and she was just acting crazy - just wanting all the attention and it was very distasteful. She was like, ‘Do you know who I am?'”

    From there, Merissa claimed that Victoria been singlehandedly devastating the Virginia Beach area like some sort of promiscuous Godzilla:

    “I knew who Victoria was, as far as her reputation, but I honestly didn’t know that she had done as much damage as she had done to our hometown,” she adds.

    Victoria Fuller in Tears

    "I felt like, all these people out here aren’t going to say anything?" Merissa says of her moment at Peter's boardwalk date.

    "I had a totally different stance than everybody because I knew Peter, I know his family and I know what type of person he is."

    "So I just felt like, if anyone were to say something, I felt like he probably would listen to me versus some random girl.”

    An Awkward Dance


    We've known for a while that Victoria's hometown date would be a disaster, but honestly it's sounding more and more like an ex-friend just saw an opportunity for revenge and decided to seize it.

    And once again, Chris Harrison majorly exaggerated the level of drama in Monday night's episode.

    The scene has prompted some dilligent inquiries into Fuller's past, but so far, there's no evidence that she's broken up any marriages.

    Victoria Fuller Mugshot

    However, several outlets have published Victoria's mugshot from 2017 (above).

    She was arrested for DUI, which is no small thing, but we doubt it will impact Peter's decision-making process.

    There's one last tidbit in Merissa's interview with celebrity gossip magazine Us Weekly that's almost too good to be true:

    Victoria Fuller Pic

    “My dream job is to become a model for Victoria's Secret. I have dreamed of this job ever since I started watching their annual fashion show,” she told the tabloid.

    Well, instead she got famous spilling Victoria's secrets!

    That's kind of the same thing, right?

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