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    Jinger Duggar & Jeremy Vuolo Attacked By Fans Yet Again: Stop Selling Your Souls!

    Earlier this week, we reported on the Duggar family finances and the net worth of Jim Bob's many offspring.

    Not surprisingly, the top earner in the group is the resident rebel, Jinger Duggar.

    Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger Duggar, and Felicity Vuolo Attend a Wedding

    From a young age, Jinger was never shy about her desire to strike out on her own and break with the traditions that defined her family's way of life.

    But in one important respect, Jinger is very much her father's daughter:

    The girl knows how to earn, and she's not shy about her desire for a materially comfortable lifestyle.

    These days, Jinger and husband Jeremy Vuolo live in LA, which means they have more sponsored content opportunities than ever before.

    Jinger and Jeremy Attend a Soccer Game

    And the couple has been taking full advantage of the chance to bring in some additional income.

    Earlier this week, Jeremy posted the photo below on his Instagram page.

    “Heard so much about the amazing coffee at @endorffeine from my buddy @mattcoeler that I had to stop by while waiting for lunch at Howlin' Ray's,” Vuolo wrote.

    “One word: wired,” he added.

    Jeremy Vuolo Sponsored Content

    “And Felicity is seriously eyeing my coffee. No, I didn’t give her any...she’s too energized as it is," Vuolo continued.

    Jeremy was obviously paid for the post, but posting sponsored content is a fairly common practice among reality stars, and with the end of Counting On on the horizon, it would be unwise of any member of the extended Duggar clan to pass up a money-making opportunity.

    But as OK! magazine points out, Jeremy is a minister and a divinity school student, which means that fair or not, fans hold him to a higher standard.

    Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo in LA

    “This isn't what we came to love. [You’re] selling your soul to the world for $$,” one follower commented on his latest post.

    "Stop promoting and be yourself please,” another wrote.

    “Please stop presenting yourself as a celebrity of sorts. You are the husband of a fundie reality show participant,” a third fan chimed in.

    “You are striving to make a living as an ‘influencer.' Your posts about coffee and food and clothes are self-serving and arrogant.”

    Vuolo Family

    Fortunately, some followers had Jeremy's back.

    “I hope you don’t give any credence to the negative comments. So many people, in order to make them feel superior, enjoy try shaming with ugly words. It’s common and sad,” one fan commented.

    “Just because you believe in Christ does not mean you can't be a foodie or influencer,” another wrote.

    They certainly have a point.

    Jeremy Vuolo Travels

    We don't recall a commandment along the lines of "thou shalt not seek clout on the 'Gram."

    And of course, this isn't the first time that Jeremy had been criticized for his worldly ways this month.

    Just last week, fans slammed Vuolo for traveling home to Philadelphia for a visit with his family.

    Jeremy With Felicity

    They argued that since most preachers don't have the money to travel extensively, Jeremy shouldn't, either.

    Someone should point out to these high and mighty keyboard warriors that most Christians throughout history didn't have the internet, so they might be committing a mortal sin just by being online! 

    See how easy it is to shame a group of strangers for no reason?

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