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    Audrey Roloff Brags About Her One-Month Old (For Good Reason!)

    Audrey Roloff has become known for keeping it very real in the wake of new motherhood.

    The former Little People, Big World star showed off her postpartum body last month, just a week after giving birth, and admitted that the physical effects of having a child are not always easy.

    Far from it, in fact.

    All the Cuteness!

    But not all candid messages need to be negative, you know?

    In honor of young Bode Roloff turning a month old, his very proud and excited mother just shared a bunch of new photos on Instagram, along with a status update.

    "Big boy is one month old already! I can’t believe how sweet, calm, and cuddly he is," Audrey wrote to open her caption, which included many new Bode-related details.

    (The precious newborn joins two-year old sister Ember is an immediate family that also includes, of course, husband/father Jeremy.)

    Bode at 1 Month

    Audrey went on to gush over maybe the most important thing about a newborn, aside from good health of course.

    "I didn’t know it was possible for newborns to sleep so well...I keep asking myself, is it a baby #2 thing, a boy thing, or a big baby thing?" she wrote, adding:

    "Not that Ember was a horrible sleeper, but it definitely took her a few months to figure out.

    "Bode on the other hand wakes up once around 3 am with the most polite little grunts and then goes back to sleep until about 8!"

    With His Bode

    Audrey has had to battle through some serious health concerns following her delivery of Bode.

    As she recently explained, the podcast host and author even has trouble walking at the moment.

    But you won't hear her complaining very loudly, that's for sure.

    "I honestly feel a little guilty about the amount of sleep we’ve been getting in this newborn phase... but my aching pelvic bones remind me to just accept the gift," she continued here.

    Happy Birthday, Bode!

    As for some other Bode details?

    Because we know of quite a few readers and reality TV fans who are interested?

    "Mr. dude man, as Ember and Jer call him, loves to be held," says Audrey, elaborating more about her son as follows:

    "He smiles when we “coo” at him and Ember asks me, “You an owl mama?” The cute newborn outfits already don’t fit him."

    A Kiss for Bode

    And as for his physical appearance?

    "We think he might have a twinge more red in his hair then Ember did, and it definitely looks like it’s gonna be curly but time will tell."

    Indeed it will.

    Most importantly, it sounds very much as if Bode's mother and father ("He’s been a professional sleeper, which has been great, and has a gentle spirit with a heartbreak smile," wrote Jeremy yesterday) are valuing each and every second of that time.

    We're so happy for them.

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