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    Anna Duggar Blasted By Critics: Stop Making Your Kids Take Care of Your Baby!

    Back in Nowvember, Anna Duggar welcomed her sixth child, a girl named Maryella.

    Fans were stunned by the news that Anna was expecting yet another child, and not only because she's still married to known child molester Josh Duggar.

    Anna and Maryella

    As a rule, Duggar men play a limited role in child-rearing.

    Just last week, Derick Dillard posted a phot of Jill Duggar performing household chores with a child strapped to her back and captioned the pic with a quip about the fact that she was engaged in "woman's work."

    Despite this lack of participation from their partners, Duggar women are expected to live their adult lives as non-stop baby-making machines.

    In order to lighten their workload, they rely on their eldest children -- particularly their eldest girls -- to help raise the younger kids.

    Anna Duggar and a Kid

    This creates a problem for Anna, as she has six kids and a layabout husband, but her eldest daughter is 10 years old.

    But "start 'em young" is something of an unofficial motto in the Duggar family.

    It applies to everything from religious indoctrination, to marriage and child-rearing.

    Which is why it should come as no surprise that at the ripe old age of 10, Mackynzie Duggar is likely taking on many of the burdens traditionally associated with the life of a grownup homemaker.

    Mackynzie and Maryella Duggar

    Anna posted this pic on Instagram earlier this week.

    It shows 10-year-old Mackynzie happily holding bavy Maryella.

    "Nerf-gun wars & legos have kept us entertained this weekend! Hope you’re having as much fun as we are having at Pops & Lolli’s house!" she captioned the photo.

    It looks innocent -- and it almost certainly is -- but despite that fact, as In Touch Weekly points out, it received a very mixed response from Anna's collowers.

    Maryella Duggar Image

    "Mackynzie is a pro at baby holding! So cute,” commented one fan with a heart.

    “Mackynzie is a little momma,” another remark.

    As you can see, the responses were mostly favorable.

    But some fans took issue with what they regarded as proof that Mackynzie is already being made to babysit.

    Anna Duggar is Stuck with Josh

    “Oh god!!! Starting them young!!! Take care of your own baby!!!” wrote one such critic.

    The backlash friom Anna's defenders was swift and powerful:

    “I loved babies at that age. I loved babysitting. She’s holding [her] own sister. Come on, are you serious even putting this? Wow!!!” wrote one fan.

    “I was baby crazy at that age, and my girl cousins and I would fight over who got the baby,” added a second. “No one ever had to force a baby on me," another commented.

    Josh and Anna Duggar

    Look, the fact of the matter is, Mackynzie is probably made to assist with the raising of her youngest sister.

    But 1. that's not all that unusual, and 2. this pic doesn't serve as evidence that she's oppressed.

    And we'd like to take the opportunity to once again remind you of a very important fact:

    There are many, many legitimate reasons to make fun of the Duggars -- you don't nee d to go digging deep for the obscure ones.

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