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    Ashley Jacobs SLAMS Kathryn Dennis, Thomas Ravenel: Toxic Attracts Toxic

    Days ago, Southern Charm fans recoiled in horror after a photo of Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel together surfaced online.

    Now, Thomas' infamous ex, Ashley Jacobs, is weighing in -- calling them both "toxic."

    Kathryn Dennis and Thomas Ravenel in 2020

    Ashley Jacobs has moved on from Thomas Ravenel, but she's telling Us Weekly that she reached out to him after the recent photo surfaced.

    Ashley says that she found a way to "kind of poke fun" at the rumors of reconciliation.

    "I took a screenshot of [the news] and I sent it to him,” she shares.

    Smart. The last time that Ashley showed up physically to speak her mind, she was escorted out by security.

    Ashley Jacobs Crashes the Party

    So, what message did she send to her awful ex?

    Ashley reveals: “I said, ‘Congratulations.’"

    "And," she shares, "he has not responded."

    That is probably for the best for everyone involved, for a long, long list of reasons.

    Ashley Jacobs with Thomas Ravenel

    However, that doesn't mean that Ashley is totally condemning Thomas and Kathryn for spending time together ... at a party.

    "My only thought is, if it’s for the children, then great, you know," Ashley reasons.

    Thomas and Kathryn share two young children, Kensie and Saint.

    They are committed to co-parenting.

    Thomas Ravenel with Ashley

    "I will never understand," Ashley comments, referring to Thomas and Kathryn.

    She's lived the life of being Thomas' girlfriend, and she knows better than most how much it can screw with your head.

    “I think, you know, you never realize how toxic something is until you walk away from it," Ashley expresses.

    Ashley Jacobs on Season 5

    She adds: "or meet someone who’s emotionally stable."

    While Ashley was known for her emotional outbursts on camera, Thomas is said to have a "dark side" and nasty outbursts with the women in his life.

    But Ashley says that she is optimistic about her life "and I’m all about healthy relationships from here on out."

    She herself has a new boyfriend.

    Ashley Jacobs on Bravo

    As far as things with Thomas and Kathryn are concerned, Ashley has a little shade to throw.

    "I guess toxic attracts toxic," she expresses. Oof.

    She acknowledges that the two of them have "lot of baggage."

    In some cultures, said baggage is known as "children" and referred to by name. (Okay, we kid -- their baggage goes way deeper than that)

    Ashley Jacobs Snapshot

    "I think that they’re the only ones that are ever going to be able to see … I think that’s the best they’re ever going to get,” Ashley states.

    “I hate to say that," she quickly adds, "because I think everyone deserves happiness."

    It sounds like Ashley is saying that Kathryn and Thomas may be emotionally entangled in ways that are unhealthy for both of them.

    Ashley Jacobs Winks

    "But you know," Ashley remarks, "if that makes them happy, again, to each their own."

    She then affirms: "but that is not a way to live."

    Ashley is displaying a lot of personal growth for a woman who once made the entire Southern Charm star cast cringe on camera.

    Southern Charm Reunion Reactions

    Honestly it's weird that either Ashley or Kathryn ever dated Thomas.

    One only has to scroll thorugh his Twitter feed to note that he's not only unlikeable, but undeserving of love itself.

    Doing so, you'll eventually run across his tweet from earlier this week, in which he denies that he and Kathryn are dating gagian.

    "No, we’re doing some things together because it makes the kids very happy to see us getting along,” Thomas tweeted on January 13.

    thomas ravenel tweet not back with kathryn dennis january 2020

    “And in this matter," he added with his usual pompous flair, "our interests are perfectly aligned."

    Meanwhile, Kathryn took a tongue-in-cheek approach to replying to fan speculation.

    When one commenter remarked that clearly, Charleston has a shortage of worthy men, Kathryn wrote: "correct."

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