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    Marjorie Jackson: Josiah Duggar's Ex Is Still In Touch With His Sisters?!

    We probably don't need to tell you that breakups are extremely rare in the Duggar clan.

    In fact, as far as we know, exactly one couple has called it quits in all the time the Duggars have been in the spotlight.

    Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson Pic

    These days, Josiah Duggar is married to Lauren Swanson, and the couple recently welcomed their first child.

    Prior to getting involved with Lauren, however, Josiah Duggar courted Marjorie Jackson.

    Now, dating around a bit before you get married may not seem like such a bizarre notion.

    In fact, the idea of marrying the first person you ever dated is horrifying to just about anyone who wasn't raised with ultra-conservative ideas about sex and relationships.

    Josiah Duggar and Marjorie Jackson Picture

    But as you're surely aware, the Duggars are not your typical American family.

    No, they view courtship as "dating with a purpose" -- and that purpose, of course, is getting married and popping out a couple baseball teams' worth of offspring.

    Thus, the Duggars don't go public with new courtships unless they're pretty sure wedding bells and babies are in the near future.

    Josiah and Marjorie's breakup came as a total shock to the family's fan base, and at first, the Duggars tried to sweep it under the carpet.

    Josiah Duggar, Marjorie Jackson Selfie

    It was only when fans noticed that Josiah had deleted all of Marjorie's pics from his Instagram page that he came clean and admitted the two of them decided to go their separate ways.

    We don't know much about the circumstances of the breakup, but needless to say, it sounds like it wasn't an amicable one.

    So you can imagine the surprise of Duggar fans when they learned that Marjorie is still on good terms with at least one of Josiah's many sisters.

    As you've probably heard, Jill Duggar chopped off a lot of her hair this week.

    Jill Duggar and Her Hair

    Again, this is one of those things that wouldn't be a very big deal in most families, but since the Duggars have ultra-strict rules about how women are allowed to present themselves to the world, it was probably enough to get Jill uninvited to Christmas dinner.

    But while Jim Bob and Michelle may have been appalled by Jill's act of defiance, Marjorie was loving it.

    When Jill posted pics of her new 'do on Instagram, Marjorie was among the first to comment.

    And Jill was quick to respond to her kind emojis:

    Jill and Marjorie

    “Enjoying my new cut!” Jill captioned the pic, prompting Marjorie to respond with a bunch of heart-eyed smiley faces.

    “Thanks, friend!” Jill wrote back. “I’m loving it!”

    Not exactly a declaration of eternal friendship, but the last time we heard from her, Marjorie was planning to write a tell-all about the Duggars, so this is quite a major leap forward.

    Perhaps Jill was dispatched to befriend Marjorie to keep her story out of the press -- or maybe Jill really has cut ties with the rest of the family and making nice with Marjorie is her latest eff you to her family.

    Either way, it's the latest twist in what's been a truly bizarre year for TV's most famous fundamentalists.

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